TIMMI Smart Hospital

Info Display

Information displays can be used, for example, to show invitations to a reception or to display a list of nursing staff and their rooms.

Info Display shows an invitation to the reception

Hospital - Infonäyttö

TIMMI Info Display in the lobby provides real-time information flow. A display in the lobby provides information such as the booking status of the various rooms in the building or a list of the nursing staff and their rooms. The info display provides clear guidance even for large numbers of customers and allows for smooth management of customer flows. 

Integration with the appointment booking system allows you to mark a client as registered for an appointment, as well as adding them to a queue for check-in. The info display in the lobby is an essential part of the patient and customer flow management and makes it easy to find the right space.


  • Invitations to an appointment
  • Invitations to non-appointment services
  • Display option to present the invitation with the appointment number and room
  • Display option for presentation of the invitation in the reception room of the healthcare professional


  • TIMMI Room Management Software
  • TIMMI Room Management Automation
  • TIMMI Queue Management Software
  • TIMMI Self-service kiosk
  • TIMMI Mobile check-in
  • TIMMI Doorway Display
Info Display

Timmi Quote mark
We have introduced TIMMI Smart Hospital in our second office and we plan to deploy it in our other locations as well.
Jukka Nurminen
Chief Information Officer
Pirte Occupational Health and Medical Centre
Timmi Quote mark
Pystymme yksinkertaistamaan asiakkaiden kulkua ja vähentämään tarvetta käydä palvelutiskillä.
Lilli Rantahakala
Vastaava hammaslääkäri

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TIMMI Ilmoittautuminen on ratkaisu sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yksiköiden ilmoittautumisen ja tehokkaan tilankäytön haasteisiin. Ilmoittautuminen toimii mobiilissa tai itsepalveluautomaatilla ja se ohjaa asiakkaat vastaanottohuoneen ovelle asti.

Automated room management

TIMMI Smart Hospital automates the management of facilities and the flow of customers. At its heart is a smart algorithm that automatically finds the right workspace for a doctor, for example, for each shift.

Doorway display

As the name implies, the doorway display is located on the side of the door. It can be used, for example, to show the queue situation and invitations in the reception room.

Info Display

Information displays can be used, for example, to show invitations to a reception or to display a list of nursing staff and their rooms.


TIMMI Smart Hospital is a system that can also be integrated with other softwares. In this way, you get the full benefit of the systems in your environment and the information you need flows smoothly between the different software.

Queue Management

Queue management directs customers to the right waiting or service points. Queue management consists of self-service kiosks, info and door displays.

Self-service kiosk

With TIMMI Self-service kiosk, you can easily and securely log in for your own appointment, or queue for a service point. These kiosks can reduce congestion during peak hours and provide service even outside cash desk opening hours.

Room Management

Our Room Management software has been one of the most used solutions in the industry throughout the 21st century. A well-honed user experience, a fast pace of development driven by our extensive user base, and an ever-growing range of features, interfaces and use cases make TIMMI Space Reservation a sure choice now and in the future.

TIMMI Room Management also forms the foundation for TIMMI Smart Hospital.

Feel free to contact us!

Jukka Valkonen
+358 50 557 8113
Jukka Valkonen Timmin Toimitusjohtaja

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